Study Author:
Dr. Oscar Barreto, DPM, AGNP
Haitian-American 46-year-old male.
Medical History:
Patient is a Haitian American 46-year-old male with a history of AIDS, sickle cell anemia, blood glucose abnormalities, chronic pain syndrome, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), deficiency of macronutrients.
Wound Presentation:
Medial Malleolus Ulcer (venous ulcer) with 100% fibrotic tissue and severe pain on palpation.
Prior Treatments:
Patient didn’t receive any prior treatments before Lavior.
Study Methodology:
Rinse wound bed with normal saline, apply LAVIOR wound gel to entire wound surface and covered with non adherent dressing, 4×4 gauze and wrapped with kling.
Product(s) Used in Study:
Normal saline, LAVIOR hydrogel, non adherent dressing, 4×4 gauze and kling wrap.
Study Duration:
20 days 12/7/22 – 01/27/23
Treatment Narrative
Application of the gel every other day, non adherent dressing, 4×4 gauze and wrapped with kling.

Initial Presentation:
Medial Malleolus Ulcer with 100% fibrotic tissue and severe pain on palpation.
Wound Size:
4 cm x 3 cm

100% granulation, no pain on palpation, no drainage and no sign of local infection.
Wound Size:
3 cm x 3 cm

Appearance after 20 days of treatment:
Wound healed.
Wound Size:
98% closure.
Case Study Summary
The case above demonstrates the successful wound healing effects of LAVIOR wound care gel on a patient with significant comorbidities.