3 Things You Didn’t Know About Aloe Vera

You’ve probably heard of Aloe Vera at one time or another. After all, it’s a pretty magical plant that can be used for a number of reasons. You can find it in things like toothpaste, sun lotion, tea, and more. Egyptians even call it ‘the plant of immortality’.

However, although you may have heard of it, there are probably some surprising things you still don’t know about it. Here are 3 things you don’t know about Aloe Vera: 

Aloe Vera Can Be Used For Numerous Skin Conditions

Aloe Vera can be used for many different skin conditions. When Aloe Vera is applied to the skin, burns heal faster – sunburns, minor sores, and both first and second-degree burns can be treated. The plant extract can block up to 30% of the sun’s rays when applied to the skin too. For this reason, it is often included in sun lotions and after-sun lotions. 

In diabetic rats that were treated, they were found to heal faster when in comparison to another traditional chemical. Both oral and topical treatments were found to be effective. The soothing and cooling effect helps to prevent pain, and the plant can even treat frostbite blisters. 

Aloe Vera is also an anti-inflammatory, so it can treat the appearance of scars and redness.  It can hydrate and nourish skin, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles; especially in those over age 45. Studies showed that it improved elasticity and collagen production in people that applied it regularly. It also makes a very effective moisturizer as it increases water retention in the skin, which is why it’s included in many hand creams and gels. 

Aloe Vera is said to clear up acne thanks to the zinc it contains. The cleansing and detoxifying agent penetrates deep into the skin, helping to really cleanse it. Aloe Vera contains 200 nutritional elements including amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, and 10 important skin minerals, helping to promote glowing skin. 

What more could you want in a skincare ingredient? 

Aloe Vera Can Reduce Your Blood Sugar

Aloe Vera can help to reduce your blood sugar levels, which makes it extremely beneficial for diabetics. Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, and keeping blood sugar levels under control is crucial to staying healthy. 

Using Aloe Vera, a reduction in blood sugar levels was found in 90% of cases after patients ate bread that included aloe gel as an ingredient. Not only can Aloe Vera help the many skin conditions that diabetics suffer with, it can help from the inside too!  

Aloe Vera Can Cleanse From The Inside Out

Aloe Vera can cleanse you from the inside out. Applied to the skin it can help to beautify, but when consumed it can improve skin conditions on another level. Digestive health is closely linked to Aloe Vera, and it can help to remove toxins.  

Aloe Vera is truly a magical plant that can improve your quality of life in many ways with its refreshing, cleansing, healing properties!